Location Guide for United States Government Documents


Title Call Number Floor/Row
Agriculture Decisions A 1.58 USDOC 2/67
Alcohol, Tobacco & Firearms Bulletin T70.7 USDOC 2/98
Annals of Congress USDOC 2/99
Antitrust Decisions, Federal J 1.2:An8/3 USDOC 2/89
Atomic Energy Commission Reports Y3.At7:49 USDOC 2/110
Attorney General Opinions, U.S. J 1.5 USDOC 2/89
Bulletin (Department of State) S 1.3 USDOC 2/96
Census Reports, U.S. C3.186 USDOC 2/78
CIS Index KF 49.C62 DOCREF 2/134
Civil Aeronautics Board Reports CAB 1.21 USDOC 2/79
Microform cabinet 24
Civil Rights Commision Hearings CR 1.8 USDOC 2/81
Code of Federal Regulations(current)
KF 70.A3
KF 70.A3
HIST.KF 3/2-5
Comptroller General, Decisions of, GA 1.5 USDOC 2/85
Comptroller of the Treasury, Decisions of, T 15.5 USDOC 2/97
Congressional Directory JK 1011.U55 DOCREF 2/133
Congressional Hearings Y4 USDOC 2/113-127
Microform cabinets 25-26
Congressional Globe USDOC 2/99
Congressional Record USDOC 2/99-104
Continental Congress, Journals of Microform Cabinet 25
Copyright Decisions LC 3.3 USDOC 2/93
Court of Claims Reports Ju 3.9 USDOC 2/91
Court of Customs &
Patent Appeals Reports
Ju 7.5 USDOC 2/91
Court of International Trade Reports Ju 9.5/2 USDOC 2/91
CPI Detailed Report L 2.38/3 USDOC 2/92
Criminal Justice Statitics,
Sourcebook on
J 29.9/6 USDOC 2/90
Cumulative Bulletin, Internal Revenue KF 6282.A2.I495 TAX 1/33
Customs Court Reports Ju 9.5 USDOC 2/91
Customs Service Decisions T17.3 Microform cabinet 25
Department of State Bulletin S 1.3 USDOC 2/96
Deschler's Precedents of the U.S. House Y1.1.2:131151 USDOC 2/105
Dispatch (U.S. Dept. of State) S1.3/5 USDOC 2/96
Employee Compensation
Appeals Board Decisions
L 28.0 USDOC 2/92
Executive Orders of the U.S. President
1936 --

microform cabinet 2
see 3 CFR Row 1/3
FCC Record C 1.12/3 USDOC 2/80
FCC Reports CC 1.12 USDOC 2/80
FERC Reports E 2.17 USDOC 2/83
Federal Antitrust Decisions J 1.2:An8/3 USDOC 2/89
Federal Labor Relations Council Decisions Y3.F31/21 USDOC 2/111
Federal Maritime Commision Reports FMC 1.10 USDOC 2/84
Federal Mine Safety Decisions Y3.M66 USDOC 2/111
Federal Power Commission Reports FP 1.20 USDOC 2/84
Federal Register (last 18 months) KF 70.A2 1/3
Federal Register (earlier) AE 2.106 USDOC 2/67-75
Federal Reserve Bulletin FR 1/3 USDOC 2/84
Federal Reserve System Papers Microform cabinet 2
Federal Trade Commission Decisions FT 1.11 USDOC 2/85
Foreign Claims Settlement Commission, Decisions Y3.F73:2D35 USDOC 2/111
Gales & Seaton's Register ofDebates ("Congressional Debates") USDOC 2/99
Hinds' Precedents of the House ofRep. Y 1.2:923 USDOC 2/110
Immigration & NationalityDecisions
aka, Interim Decisions, BIA Decisions
J21.11 (most recent on reserve) USDOC 2/87-88
Indian Affairs, Laws & Treaties Y4.In2/2:L44 USDOC 2/132
Indian Claims Commission Y3.In2/6 Microform cabinet 7
Internal Revenue Cumulative Bulletin KF 6282.A2 .I495 TAX 1/33
Interior Dep't Decisions I 1.69 USDOC 2/88
Interstate Commerce Comission Reports IC 1.6 USDOC 2/88
Landmark Briefs & Arguments
U.S. Supreme Court
KF 101.9.L3 DOCREF 2/135
Monthly Catalog of U.S. Gov't Pub. Z 1223.A18 DOCREF 2/138-139
Motor Carrier Cases IC 1mot.8 USDOC 2/89
National Labor Relations Board
Decisions & Orders
LR 1.8 USDOC 2/93-94
National Railroad Adj Bd Decisions RA 1.7-1.10 Microform cabinet 22
National Transportation Safety Board Decisions TD 1.122 USDOC 2/98
Nuclear Regulatory Commission Issuances Y3.N88:11 USDOC 2/112
Opinions of the U.S. AttorneyGeneral J 1.5 USDOC 2/89
Oral Arguments of the U.S. Supreme Ct Microform cabinet 16
Postal Rate Commission Decisions Y3. P84 Microform Cabinet 25
Precedents of the House of Representatives Y1.2:P23 USDOC 2/110
Presidential Documents
Weekly Compilation of
AE 2.109 USDOC 2/76
Presidential Executive Orders
1936 --

microform cabinet 2
see 3 CFR, Row 1/3
Public Papers of the President AE 2.114 USDOC 2/77
Revolutionary War Prize Cases Microform cabinet 8
Securities & Exchange CommisionDecisions SE 1.11 USDOC 2/97
Serial Set Y1.1/2 USDOC 2/105-108
Sourcebook on Criminal
Justice Statistics
J 29.9/6 USDOC 2/90
State Dept. Bulletin S 1.3 USDOC 2/96
State Dept. Dispatch S1.3/5 USDOC 2/96
Statistical Abstract of the U.S. Current: HA 202.S738
Older: C3.134
Current: Reserve
Older: USDOC 2/78
Statutes at Large, U.S. KF 62 and
AE 2.111
1/2 and
USDOC 2/76-77
Treasury Decisions T 22.8 USDOC 2/98
Tax Court Reports, U.S. KF 6280.A2 T37 TAX 1/33
Uniform Crime Reports, U.S. J 1.14/7 USDOC J 1.17/4
U.S. Tax Court Reports KF 6280.A2 T37 TAX 1/33
U.S. Code KF 62 DOCREF 2/134 and 1/2-3
U.S. Code Congressional
& Administrative News
KF 48.U54 DOCREF 2/133
U.S. Court of International Trade Reports Ju 9.5/2 USDOC 2/91
U.S. Government Manual Current: JK 421.13
Older: AE2.108/2
Current: DOCREF 2/133
Older: USDOC 2/75
United States Reports KF 101.A2 1/3-4
U.S. Statutes at Large KF 62 and
AE 2.111
1/2 and
USDOC 2/76-77
Vital Statisics of the U.S. HE 20.6210 USDOC 2/86
Weekly Compilation
of Presidental Documents
AE 2.109 USDOC 2/76