Prepared by Susan Lyons - Last updated 8/03/05
This pathfinder provides links to the extensive resources for European Union (EU) Law that are freely available on the Internet as well as selected print resources available in the Rutgers Law Library.
Internet guides to EU law | EU Internet legal databases |
Other links to EU materials | Print resources in the library |
- The ABC of Community Law | HTML | PDF | This booklet written by Dr. Klaus-Dieter Borchardt provides an excellent description of the history of the formation of the European Community and development into the EU, the foundational treaties and its current organization and law making bodies.
- EU Glossary - Contains formal descriptions of approximately 220 EU terms.
- Eurojargon - a plain language guide to common EU terms.
- Encyclopedia article on EU from Wikipedia.
- Eur-Lex - Official EU Law Portal - Eur-Lex offers free access to EU treaties, legislation and case decisions. It replaces Celex. Major databases on the site include:
- The Official Journal - Choose the "L" series to locate regulations and directives. Choose the "C" series to locate non-binding law such as declarations and resolutions.
- Treaties - Treaties provide the foundational law governing the EU.
- Legislation This database allows one to search for regulations and directives currently in force.
- Case-Law The case-law page provides access to decisions from the European Court of Justice and Court of First Instance (in CURIA, a database that replaces CELEX), the Competition Court and the European Court of Human Rights.
- The EU Constitution - The Treaty of the Constitution was agreed to in June 2004 and signed by all the member state governments in October 2004. It was due to come into force in 2006, after ratification by all the national parliaments and, in some countries, approval through popular referenda. As the Constitution has now been rejected by two countries, France and the Netherlands, its future is in doubt. At present the EU is founded on four basic treaties and many additional treaties. The constitution promised a simpler and shorter statement of the foundational law of the EU, but also introduced new provisions that proved unpopular with French and Dutch voters.
- Encyclopedia article on EU Constitution from Wikipedia.
- Green Papers - are documents issued by the European Commission to stimulate discussion on a specific topic. They are less formal than White Papers, below.
- White Papers are formal proposals for action in a specific area. White Papers are sometimes preceded by Green Papers.
- Activities of the EU - This page organizes EU laws and documents into 32 subject areas or activities. Further subdivisions can be found under each of the activity pages.
- Europa - Gateway to the European Union - Documents and publications from many EU entities can be found here, the main Web portal to the European Union.
- IDEA: Electronic Directory of European Institutions
- Euro currency exchange rates
- European Union Court of Justice home page
- EU Legal Citation and Style Guide
- A to Z list of European Union Web Sites
- Europa Newsletter - A bimonthly online publication with news on issues relating to the European Union, new developments on EU web sites and forthcoming EU events and activities.
- EurActiv.com - Commercial web site focused on EU news and affairs.
Print Resources in the Rutgers Law Library
- European Union Law in a Nutshell, 4th Edition - [Reserve: KJE 949 .F55 2004]
- Common Market Law Reports - [Row 170: KJE 923.7 .C66] Cases from 1962 - 1987
- European Community Cases - [Row 170 KJE 923.7 .E97] Continues Common Market Law Reports, case from 1989 - present. Most recent cases in loose leaf binder.
- European Court Reports - [Row 170: KJE 924.5 .R472 - Cases of the Court of Justice of the European Coal and Steel Community from 1954 - 1983.
- Reports of Cases Before the Court of Justice [Row 170: KJE 924.5 .R472] Cases from 1984 - 1994. Continues European Court Reports.
- Reports of Judgments and Decisions of European Court of Human Rights, Series - [Row 1970 KJC 5132.A52 E88] - Cases from 1961 - present.