Basic New Jersey Legal Materials

Pathfinder: Basic New Jersey Legal Materials
Rutgers Law Library - Newark

revised Aug.28,2006

Finding New Jersey legal materials

The listings below indicate the title, call number and location. The location is followed by two numbers: the floor number and the row number. For example, 2/24 indicates the item is located in Row 24 on the second floor. For more information on the layout of the library, click here to see maps of each floor of the library.

Items listed as "RESERVE" may be requested at the circulation desk. Items listed as "NJREF" may be found in the "Reference Library" room next to the circulation desk. "REF" is the Reference Collection behind the reference desk, across from the circulation desk. "DOCREF" materials may be found in the central area of the second floor of the library. The "MICROFORM" collection is across from DOCREF. "DOCNJ" materials are in compact shelving in the area adjacent to the West Reading Gallery on the second floor in Rows 43-63. The "Periodical" Collection is in the East Reading Gallery of the second floor. The "HISTORIC" collection is on the third floor in the area of the Criminal Justice Library.

For online availability of New Jersey legal materials, see our Internet Law Guide: New Jersey Law

laws passed by the New Jersey State Legislature

Title Call number Location
New Jersey Revised Statutes (1937) KFN 1830 NJREF & 2/24
New Jersey Statutes Annotated KFN 1830 1937.A42 RESERVE, NJREF, & DOCREF
New Jersey Session Law Service KFN 1831.N3 NJREF, DOCREF & 2/23

full text of court decisions

Title Call number Location
New Jersey Reports (1949 to date) KFN 1845.A21 NJREF & 2/24
New Jersey Superior Court Reports (1949 to date) KFN 1848 NJREF & 2/24-25
New Jersey Law Reports (1790 to 1948) KFN 1847.L2 NJREF & 2/24
New Jersey Equity Reports (1830 to 1948) KFN 1847.E6 NJREF & 2/24
New Jersey Miscellaneous Reports (1923 to 1949) KFN 1851.A2 NJREF & 2/25
New Jersey Tax Court Reports (1979 to date) KFN 2270.A515 (NJREF)
Atlantic Reporter (1885 to date) KF 135.A7 1/13-15; non-current copy of 2nd series also in NJREF

subject and word indexes to court decisions

Title Call number Location
West's New Jersey Digest (coverage up to 1953) KFN 1857.W4 NJREF & 2/25
West's New Jersey Digest, 2d (1954 to date) KFN 1857.W4 NJREF & 2/25
Atlantic Reporter Digest KF 135.A7 W2 1/15
West's Atlantic Digest 2d KF135.A7 W4 1/15

used to verify court decisions and statutes

Title Call number Location
Shepard's New Jersey Citations KFN 1859.S5 NJREF& 2/25
Shepard's Atlantic Citations (not current) KF 135.A72 1/15

Legislative History Materials:
materials for tracking the history of a piece of legislation

Please refer to the pathfinder entitled New Jersey Legislative History Research Instructions available at the Reference Desk and on the Internet at

Administrative Regulations/Decisions:
regulations/decisions promulgated by administrative agencies

Title Call number Location
New Jersey Administrative Code KFN 1835 1995.A22 RESERVE
New Jersey Register KFN 1831.N5 Reserve [current], NJREF & DOCNJ
New Jersey Administrative Reports 1982 to 1990 KFN 2240.A556 DOCNJ
New Jersey Administrative Reports 2d 1991 to 1997 KFN 2240.A556 1991 RESERVE & DOCNJ
Note: N.J.A.R. was discontinued as a print publication as of Sept. 1997. Subsequent cases are found at the Rutgers-Camden Law Library web site:

Court Rules:
rules of practice before the courts

Title Call number Location
Current rules governing the courts
of the State of New Jersey: with comments and
annotations by Sylvia B. Pressler
New Jersey rules of court : state and federal KFN 2329.A2 REF & DOCNJ
New Jersey rules of evidence:
with comments by the New Jersey Supreme
Court Committee on the Rules of Evidence
KFN 2340.A4 E949 REF & DOCNJ

sample forms that can be used in legal transactions or proceedings

Title Call number Location
New Jersey Forms: Practice-oriented Forms
for New Jersey Legal and Business Transactions
KFN 1868.N45 NJREF
New Jersey Law with Forms KFN 1865.S4 NJREF
New Jersey Pleading and Practice Forms KFN 2330.A65 N49 NJREF
New Jersey Practice KFN 1880.N4 NJREF
New Jersey Transaction Guide KFN 1880.N43 NJREF

New Jersey State Constitution:
document establishing powers and limits of the New Jersey government

Title Call number Location
Contained within volumes of the New Jersey Statutes Annotated KFN 1830 1937.A42 RESERVE, NJREF & DOCREF

listings of addresses and telephone numbers

Title Call number Location
Martindale-Hubbell Law Directory KF 190.H183 REF [current], RESERVE [NJ & NY],
HISTORIC [older copies]
N.J. Lawyers Diary and Manual
(coverage includes courts and attorneys)
State Yellow Book JK 2403.S77 REF, older copies in DOCREF

newspapers reporting current legal news

Title Location
New Jersey Law Journal RESERVE & DOCREF [bound volumes] & MICROFORM
New Jersey Lawyer: the Weekly Newspaper RESERVE & DOCREF [bound volumes]

commentaries on particular areas of the law

For a list of treatises organized by subject please see pages 23-6 to 23-16 of the New Jersey Legal Research Handbook by Paul Axel-Lute KFN 1875.A97 1998, RESERVE & REF). Check the online catalog for locations of materials (for assistance using the online catalog please see the Reference Librarian or pick up instructions at the Reference Desk). Generally these books are either on RESERVE or in the NJREF Room.

Various treatises are included within the series entitled New Jersey Practice (KFN 1880 N4 NJREF). This series has continuous volume numbering, but otherwise consists of essentially separate works on a variety of topics.

Guides to New Jersey Legal Material on the Internet:

Title URL
Rutgers-Newark Law Library
Internet Law Guide: New Jersey
New Jersey Documents on the Net
New Jersey Legal Resources
(N.J. State Library)

Rutgers Law Library - Newark
123 Washington Street
Newark, NJ 07102
Phone: (973) 353-5676
Fax: (973) 353-1574

2000 Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey.
All rights reserved.